Working as the Executive Director of the National Oregon/California Trail Center, I often cross paths with hundreds and hundreds of people each summer. Our center is the documented "Clover Creek" Encampment Site on the Oregon/California Trail. We are north of the "Big Hill" by seven miles and south of the "Beer Springs" by twenty seven miles.
One of the most common comments I get when our guests come out of the Living History Tour is, "I could not have done that!". "They were some tough people." I smile and often remind them that much of their lives were spent in homes that would not have had central heating, manual labor was a fact of life, and for many pioneers chores were a part of every day life.

What set these great pioneers apart was the fact that when faced with adversity, they just kept on trying to move forward and achieve their goals. Others in their wagon trains pitched in to help those in need. The wagon train was a rolling community. Did everyone get along??? No! It was like any other community... they had their differences at first, but as the trail got longer and more struggles came along, suddenly the differences they had became less and less. Everyone helped each other because no one knew when they themselves would need help. I often wonder if the quote, "Be kind to everyone, because you never know who will hold your head when you are dying." came from the pioneer trails.
I feel it is important to remember those who have come before us and pioneered the way west so we could live here. By re-telling and reliving their stories, we learn that even though we too have struggles every day, it is within us to keep on trying. It is in our blood to not give up.
Someone once said, "Life's discouragements are often times opportunity in disguise."
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