The National Oregon/California Trail Center is a unique place. It not only is a historical campsite on the Oregon Trail, but a community center as well. Community members decided 18 years ago to preserve a portion of a documented campsite on the Oregon Trail called, "Clover Creek Encampment".
The Center has been the gathering place for over 50,000 visitors each summer, but more importantly it is a gathering spot for the local people who have built the facility. The National Oregon/California Trail Center gives back to it's community by providing an annual Arts and Craft Festival. This festival draws locals and regional visitors alike. This year the center was visited by two families from the East Coast. One family was from New York City, New York, and the other was from Chicago, Illinois. Both families were traveling through our area and stopped to see what was going on. They were impressed!

Because of the historical significance of the Clover Creek Camp Site, it was decided this year to open up the Living History Tour and allow vendors to set up their booths throughout the tour area. Many locals are either too busy or don't have the money to visit their own local attractions during the summer months and the center felt it was important to share the tour with the very locals who helped build it.
Each year the Oregon Trail Auxiliary and Gift Shop Manager Cindy Raymond work feverishly for about three days to transform the center into it's holiday best. A special thanks to the Oregon Trail Auxiliary and Cindy Raymond for creating a winter wonderland for everyone to enjoy.
A very special thank you to all the local people of the Bear Lake Valley and their families who come and visit us during this holiday kick off.