The National Oregon/California Trail Center's main goal is to preserve, perpetuate and educate students about the history of the Oregon/California Trail Pioneers.
For over seventeen years now we have had a successful student education program, where we bring school children to the center and allow them for one hour to experience what it was like to be a child on the Oregon Trail.
With deep cutbacks in government funding for school districts, over 1,300 school children are being told that their districts can't afford to transport them to our center to learn about the Oregon Trail. They are being forced to miss out on one of the finest and most vivid experiences that truly brings to life the struggles and joys of the Westward Migration.
Our goal this year is to create a dedicated student education fund to make sure each and every student and school has a chance to experience life as a child on the Oregon Trail. We will have several fundraisers to generate the funds needed to offer any school child the chance to learn through hands on history.
The children above are attending a class on what it was like to go to school in the early 1800's
These students learn exactly how much room they DON'T have when preparing for a 2,000 mile journey to Oregon.
And these students are learning how the pioneers celebrated through music and dance.
Please join us this year to reach our goal of raising $15,000 to bring those 1,300 students back and allow them to learn of their pioneer heritage. Please share our story with others who are educationally and historically minded. Any donation in any amount is appreciated, and helps us achieve our educational goals.
You can donate to the student education fund by visiting our website at: and going to "The Trail Center" icon at the top of the page. On the drop down menu please choose the support opportunities. You can designate that your contribution goes directly to the student education fund.
In addition to donating online please mark your calendar for April 18, 2014. We will be hosting the first annual Student Education Fundraiser. This evening will allow 65 couples to come and enjoy dinner (prime rib, or salmon) show (classic rock and roll) and a tour of what the school children experience while they visit us. Our evening also includes one night's stay for the couple in either the Clover Creek Inn or the Super 8 Motel. We will be posting more information about this activity as of January 1, 2014.
Each couple that donates the cost of this evening will help put 16 children back on the Oregon Trail! Remember, like us on Facebook and share this blog post with other like minded historians and educators.
Happy Trails!